May 27: Storms near San Angelo TX

Chasers: Dave Lewison, Scott Blair, Jason Persoff, & Bill Hark

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Started back in Amarillo with a
MDT for the entire panhandle.
Jason Persoff and I pulled off
near Tulia TX to play the
"initiation game".
It's called Ground Curling and
it was a lot of fun! You have
to find a proper rock and roll
it like shuffleboard into the
circles to score.
Anyway, Scott stayed behind
to chase the northern panhandle,
and he consequently scored the
storms near Crosbyton. We went
south to near San Angelo. The
storm down there had a decent
wall cloud with it.
It gusted out, as seen by this long
roll cloud.
However, further SE along the
roll cloud, a new updraft was
explosively forming.
BANG! Within 30 minutes, this
thing looked like Allison TX '95!
We turned NE at Water Valley,
and were positive we'd have a
wedge on the ground soon.
Looking NE at the bell-shaped
updraft base.
Oh no! It's getting linear!
It gusted out as quickly as it
had formed. :(
Jason Persoff, thoroughly pissed,
drinks yet another Pepsi.


Our view of the Crosbyton
supercell from 100 miles
south of it. Very upsetting!

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